Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's Eve!!!

Today was...well...a day to say this least!! It started off on a bad foot, literally, when I fell on black ice first thing this morning getting out of my car at school....all the way to the ground, hands full....hit tailbone and head, hard! The school day was just like every other day before Valentine's Day...WILD! This afternoon I went to the gym...and let's just say that my legs feel like jello....I'm expecting them to give out at any given moment! Andy called and took Papa to Jonesboro this afternoon....he isn't doing very well tonight so please, please, please pray for him!!!! We love him so much and my heart is breaking seeing him feeling so bad!!! He means the world to my boys and they mean the same to him and we just want him to feel better!! Please, please pray!! Jackson and I made the mistake of going into Wal-Mart the day before Valentine's Day....I will not do that again! Whew!!! Tonight we ate supper at Grams house! We had a wonderful supper and Pa even came home and ate with us!!! The boys got their Valentine's and Jackson have everyone their personal Valentine's from him! Mullen gave me a special Valentine's that I will have to post a picture of! Things were great until we headed down to Nanaw and Papa's house and Jackson and I backed into Pa's jeep!!!!! Seriously....I had a cry! We took chili down to Nanaw, visited for a minute, and then came home to get ready for bed and tomorrow only for me to find out that I'm completely out of colored ink to finish Jackson's gifts for his teachers, the guys have been inside my house to work on the bathroom today (this wouldn't be an issue but I didn't know they were coming inside today and I had two bras hanging on the back of the bathroom doorknob....can we say embarrassing?!? So....with my head pounding and me not being about to move my legs, I got in a hot bath and had another good cry!!!! That is for the whole 30 seconds I was in there alone before Jackson came in to visit and tell me about his party tomorrow and that the theme is Duck Dynasty and that everything is going to be Duck Dynasty and all the decorations are and alot of kids pjs are....seriously?!? I'm providing lunch and I'm pretty sure I bought cute valentines plates and napkins with hearts and Jackson is wearing Heartbreaker Valentine pjs...I panicked for a minute and then decided it will be ok!!!! Wow...what a day!!! I'm going to bed now and dream of all the life size balloons that sing with $50 stuff animals attached to them that my students will receive tomorrow while the other half of them cry because they don't get a balloon or stuffed animal...I can't wait! Praying they all get something and we can have a fun, enjoyable party!! Hope every one has a Happy Heart's Day tomorrow!! With this long post, I only have one little picture:( Jackson has played on my phone alot today and tonight so I just realized I have no pictures!!!

On a positive note, today is one of our very favorite people's birthday today!!!!!

Happy Birthday Nay!!!! We love you so much and are so very thankful for you!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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