Friday, February 28, 2014


This afternoon, Andy and Jackson met me after school to pick out a few more things for the house!! Tonight I worked the Relay for Life basketball tournament at the high school! Andy kept the boys at home because I wasn't going to be able to watch them while working!! There was such a wonderful turnout at the tournament and lots of money made for the American Cancer Society!! I love being a part of nights like tonight!!!

Jackson playing at Black's after school!

Tournament tshirts!

Happy Boys when Mommy got home tonight!!

They love their chairs!!

Easton's FIRST birthday invites went out today!!!

A couple more of my favorite photos from Jay's Photography!!!

Another custom made piece for the new addition!!!

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Thursday, February 27, 2014


Today on TBT Tina posted a family picture from a while back that I have to share...she also posted one of my grandparents whom I miss so much!!!! The older I get the worse it gets because I would give anything for my boys to know them....I know they would be so proud!!! I'm just thankful for all of the precious memories we do have!

I got this picture today from Grams...these boys love their Nanaw!

My babies this morning!

Early this morning

My precious boys!!

I finally took a couple of pictures of our house today...just a couple with paint colors!!

This is another decor piece we have coming to go over our guest bed!! I love it!! I can't wait for everything to be finished!!

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hump Day!!

After a day full of meetings today at school, I picked Jackson up, grabbed him an afternoon snack, and headed home to get Easton! Daddy is in Memphis at the Grizzly's game tonight so it was just me and the boys! We went down to visit Papa, who is doing much better, for a bit and then went home for lots of playing, movie watching, and games!!! I love my time with these two precious boys!!

Andy sent me this pic of their "suite" at the game!!!

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Family Fun!!

Today when I got home from school, we got into the birthday games!! SO MUCH FUN!!! Lots of laughs!! We took a time out and went and ate supper at Grams house!! We sure appreciate her cooking for us!! After dinner we went to visit Nanaw and Papa because they finally got to come home!!!! It was so great seeing them and we are so glad they are home! After our visits, we returned to family game fun!!! Two of our new favorites are Twister and Hot Potato Dash!!!

Helping Grams do laundry!

Daddy was giving baseball lessons!!

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Monday, February 24, 2014

Little man...

loves big brothers new hat!!!

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Jackson!!

Today my precious oldest son turned 4 years old!!! We have had the best day and he has has so much fun!!! He has been so appreciative and has thanked Andy and I numerous times for his birthday and his party!!! We want to thank all of our friends and family for helping make this such a special day for Jackson!!

Here are a few pictures from the day! I created an album on Facebook with all of today's pictures!!

Early morning presents before church!!

Showing me his ninja turtle moves!

I can't believe that I have a FOUR year old!!!! I am beyond blessed to be this little boy's mommy!

Birthday fun at church thanks for Mrs Cheri and Christy!!

Party Poppers fun!! Jackson loves this place and so do all the kids!!!! He had so much fun today!

Jackson wanted to eat Mexican (chips) for his birthday after his party....

He didn't even make it until his good came out!!! Being birthday boy is hard work!!

Baseball helmet!

So much for the whole "no gifts" thing! Hehehe😉 So thankful my babies are loved!!!!!!!!!!

Playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Game!!! We love having fun!

One of the absolute best friends a girl could ask for!!!! We are so thankful for BayBay and LOVE her so much!!!

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