Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday at home!!

Today was one of the first Sunday's we have been home in a while and it was nice!! This morning we went to church, then had lunch at Nanaw's! After lunch we came home and spent the rest of the day and night playing and watching cartoons!!! It was so nice and as always fun spending time with my boys!!! Tonight we had a break through during bath time...Jackson started holding his nose and going under water!!! He did this totally on his own! I was telling him how proud of him I was and he looked at me and said, "Yeah but I'm not doing it in the pool or lake, do you know that they are deep!!" Haha;) He's so much fun!!! Oh, I have to document a few more Jacksonisms from this week!! Jackson was talking to us the other day about turning 4 next year one his birthday!! He looked at Andy so seriously and said "Daddy when I grow as big as you, I'm going to start sleeping on your side!! Then you can sleep in the middle!!" Hehe;)
Sally came to visit one day last week so we went over to the office...she was holding Easton and we were all just visiting when Andy walked in..Jackson went over to Sally and said, "that's my daddy! But mommy and me just call him Andy!!" Ha!
I mean... Where does he come up with this stuff?!?
In Easton's world there is a lot of babbling going on but no Eastonisms yet:) However, he has been eating squash for the past two days and seems to kinda like it!!! He also is really figuring his feet out!! The minute you sit him in the bath tub he starts kicking 90-nothing and just laughs and laughs!!! Pure sweetness!!! I cannot imagine my life or our home without these two angels!!

This morning when my alarm went off for church, I had to just take a minute and admire these two peaceful, sleeping babies!!

Jackson went in his toy room to play and after a few minutes all I heard was momma, uh momma! I think I need you!! I went in there and this is where he was...stuck in his toy box!! He sure got in there quietly!

Easton doing what he does best, smiling and playing in his exersaucer!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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