Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The one about "school"...

This year Jackson is going to be going to Noah's Ark Preschool a few days a week! Tonight was Open House at his school and it was such a bittersweet time for me!! He is so, so very excited about going to school!! On the way there he told me that he was just a little nervous about school, but as soon as we got there, he went right in and started talking to everyone, playing with everything and all the other kids, and cried and didn't want to leave when it was time to go!! We had to leave there and go straight to Wal-Mart to buy a few more supplies that he would need!!! The teacher inside of me is so, so happy about this!! I want my kids to want to learn! I want my kids to enjoy school! I want my kids to love being social and to interact well with others! However, the mommy in me is struggling bad!!! While I want only the absolute very best for my boys, deep inside of me, I just want them to stay little!!! The thought of Jackson being old enough to "go to school" brings tears to me eyes (or should I say makes me cry, hard, because that's what I've done all day!) I have no doubt that Noah's Ark is a wonderful program with wonderful teachers, however now, as a mommy, I am experiencing some of what parents of my students must feel!! I mean although I know they are wonderful people, I don't really "know" them, and I am dropping my baby off with them and putting all my trust in them to take care of my heart!! That's HARD!!! We have been so very blessed to have Jackson or Easton stay with family since he has been born any time we have had to leave him....people that is a big deal!!! I am so, so thankful that even though I have never not "worried" about my boys when I leave them, I honestly have never had to "worry" about their safety, their well being, and knowing that they are taken care of!!!! With all of that being said, I have prayed about Jackson going to school ALOT and for quiet a long time!! I know that this is the best decision for him, and I have no doubts that he will love it!!! I know he will learn so much, meet so many new friends, continue to grow as the smart, sweet, loving little fella he is and I know he will be well taken care of!!! I mean, his school is right across the small street from mine:)
My other concern though is his little brother Easton!!! Easton has never been without his big brother, and I figure he will be sort of lost for a few days!!! I know this is all part of growing up, but man, it has this emotional mommy a wreck!!! Please, please pray for us as we start to school next week and all get in our routines!!! I just pray that God will be with both of my boys each and every single second of every day! I pray that he will be with me as I start this new school year with 21 of someone else's babies to love and protect and teach just like my own!!! I pray for a wonderful, wonderful school year!!

My sweet, sleeping baby!!! It's sooooo hard to leave this precious face in the mornings!!! I love my babies more than I can even begin to explain!!

Jackson's new back to school shirt for his first day!!! We just love JoBeth and all her cute designs for us!

Daddy and Jackson at Open House!! Please take note that in all of these pictures Jackson is not looking a single time...he was in awe by all the things at school and all that was going on around him!!! He smiled the entire time we were there (until we were leaving) and looked around the whole time!!! He was so sad when we got in the car because he didn't get to take a nap or eat lunch at school! Ha!!

Checking out a few things in his classroom!

Playing in the main room!

Jackson and Jake!

He found his spot for his backpack!!!

Jackson's backpack for school!!! He has the matching nap mat too thanks to SouthernLoopYall!

Playing hard!

These are not great pictures but I'm still laughing at the fact that Jackson is constantly looking all around us!!!

My boys "driving" me home from Grams and Pa's!

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