Monday, April 29, 2013

Wonderful Monday!!

Today we had a great day!!! Mommy and the boys rested this morning, then after lunch we went to the park!!! We had the best time!!! We stayed for a couple of was beautiful and so nice to spend some time outside!!! Jackson played on everything many times! Easton was so good in his stroller...he really liked it when him and mommy walked!!! Daddy and Uncle Logan stopped by and Angie and Mrs. Judy stopped by too!!! After the park, Jackson went for a ride with Pa while mommy fed Easton! When Daddy came in, we went to Grams and Pa's for dinner then went to visit Nanaw and Papa!!! Looking forward to another beautiful day tomorrow!!!

Wide eyed and loving outside!!

This boy LOVES the park!!!

Memories will last forever:)

Uncle Logan had to join in!!!

My sweet, smiling baby!!

Playing on his ocean!

Pa and Jackson making paper airplanes!

Logan and Jackson putting the airplanes in flight!

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Super Sunday!

Today we went to church and then had lunch at Nanaw's! Church was really good this morning...Jackson loves going to church and loves Mrs. Cheri in his class! Easton and Reid matched but I didn't have my phone to get a picture! Our new preacher and his wife are doing a great job! One of my favorite boys, Clay, went before the church publicly professing his faith and wanting to follow with baptism!! I am so, so proud of him!! Best decision he will make and a reminder that God is working in our church and in the hearts of those we love!!! We also had a bible school meeting following church!! It was very positive and I really am looking forward to it!!! Next Sunday will be another awesome day in our church...Easton's baby dedication is next Sunday and Clay wants to get baptized that day because it is his birthday!! Praise the Lord!!!
After lunch today, we went to Knobel for Abby's 2nd birthday party!! Jackson really had a lot of fun and Easton got to visit with everyone:)

Jackson busted the piƱata!!! He loved it!

Nick and Easton!! Nick always wants to hold him:)

Aaron had to get in on the fun!

Samantha getting baby fever!

Becca and Easton!!

Mommy and Easton!

Jackson wearing his car seat cover being "little red riding hood!"

Playtime with Jackson at home!! Never a dull moment in our house:)

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Quiet Saturday!

Today was a very quiet, low key day! Mommy and the boys slept in late and were lazy all morning!! After Daddy got home and we ate lunch, we went and spent the afternoon visiting with Nanaw and Papa and then came back home for the boys nap time!!! We stayed in tonight and just enjoyed each other!!

Playing at Nanaw and Papa's!

Mommy loves snuggling with this sweet baby!!!! I could hold him all day:) its even better when big brother climbs up there with us too!!!

Jackson showing Easton his owl
rattle! They both were laughing an blabbing! :)

Watching his brother play with his Mickey rocket! He just watches him and takes everything in!

One downfall (or perk:) ) to mommy being home all the time is that I can catch all the boutique specials on Facebook:) :) This is one of Easton's cute new spring/summer outfits that came in today!!!

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Friday, April 26, 2013

A night in the Jett house...

Is usually fun and interesting!!! Tonight after dinner, Easton Played on his play mat and sat up and played with his toys and Jackson!! Jackson played with Easton and also played some fun games of "show and tell" and acted out animals:) today on my way home from the doctor "Dirty Dishes" came on the radio and I just had a good cry! It's so true!

"Mama hollers "Supper time,
And don't make me tell you twice
Wash your hands and wipe your face.
The table's no place for your toys,
And try to use your inside voice,
Don't dig in 'til we say Grace."
So we put down our forks and bowed our heads
And then she prayed the strangest prayer ever said:

"I wanna thank You Lord,
For noisy children and slamming doors,
And clothes scattered all over the floor,
My husband workin' all the time,
Draggin' in dead tired at night,
My never ending messy kitchen
And dirty dishes."

We all got real still and quiet,
And daddy asked "Hon, are you alright?"
She said, "Dear, ain't nothing wrong,
Noisy kids are happy kids,
And slamming doors just means we live,
In a warm and loving home,
Your long hours and those dishes in the sink,
Means a job and enough to eat.

So I'm gonna thank You Lord,
For noisy children and slamming doors,
And clothes scattered all over the floor,
A husband workin' all the time,
Draggin' in dead tired at night,
A never ending messy kitchen

For my little busy bees
Beggin' mama, mama can we please?
Always wantin' me to call their name
Loads of laundry pilin' up
Crayons crushed into the rug
And those little sticky kisses
And dirty dishes,
And dirty dishes..."

Raleigh posted this today and I thought it was too cute not to share!!! Easton does actually sleep GREAT so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and saying my prayers!!! I feel for my friends who are severely sleep deprived right now will go by so quickly!

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Thursday, April 25, 2013


I did a terrible job taking pictures!!! I didn't realize it until tonight that I haven't really taken any pictures all day...and we have actually done a few things today!! This morning Daddy called to see if we wanted to go eat lunch! We went to Parkview and had lunch with Pa, Grams, and Nay! We then went to the bank where Jackson had to go in with Nay to ride the elevator so he could push the buttons and get a sucker:) We came back out to the farm and went to the office while Brenda was at our house!! Later mommy and the boys went to town! We stopped for a short visit with Leigh to check on her and Tripp and then went to Christy's house to visit and play with baby Reid!! Jackson and Reid had such a big time playing!! Reid is getting so big and is so sweet and cute! Clay, Seth, and Shelley stopped by for a quick visit and to see Easton! I love seeing all the boys playing together!!! We are blessed to have such great friends:) Tonight we had supper at home and played!!!
With Nana going to the doctor this week, Mr. Donald Jo, and Scout all getting scans...I've sent up tons and tons of prayers and will continue praying! Tonight I thank God for blessing me with two happy, healthy boys and I am hugging them extra tight!!!! Love my boys!!

Jackson at the bank with Nay!

Christy, Jackson, and Reid all playing outside!! I was feeding little bit:)

My little ham!! Cheesing after he finished his steak for dinner! He has on his "Noah" shirt:)

Daddy and Easton hanging out!

Sweet boy!!

So big!!

1 week/6 weeks

Bath time!

Look who made the paper today?!? The boys were in the Courier this week with Pa and Grams for Pa's thank you letter!! Pa finished his first session in the House of Representatives!! We are glad to have him home!

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6 weeks old....

It's so hard to believe Easton is already 6 weeks old!!! He is getting so big! Both of my boys are growing way too fast!!!

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My boys...

Make me smile!!! Today I haven't felt very good but these boys still made me smile!!! They warm my heart in so many ways!

Morning play time!! Easton has started watching Jackson's every move!

Sweet boy needed a nap!

Love this angel face!

Jackson wanted to hold Easton:)

"Talking" to us!

Jackson had to help mom feed Easton tonight...he was hungry and supper needed tended to at the same time!! Jackson saved the day...such a good big brother!!!

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