Friday, June 29, 2012

Lake Day with Pop Day 2

Having a hard time waking up today!!

Leonardo?!! Ha!!! Guiding us into the marina!

He loves feeding the fish!!

He loves looking off the front of the boat!

He loves the new boat!

Coming in from the lake for the day!

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lake Day with Pop!

Jackson still snoozing at 10:00 this morning!!! He told us last night that he wanted to just sleep in his diaper because he didn't have to wear "zammies" (Jammie's) at the lake!!!

Jackson went with Pop to the hardware store and came out with popcorn and a lot of old man friends! Ha

Headed to the lake with his Sonic drink!

Pop skiing!

Watching Pop ski!

Lunch on the boat! Jackson was so excited about eating "wunch" on the lake!

My view for the day!!! I LOVE the lake!!!!

He had to have a nap!

They both had a nap on the lake!!

Jackson shooting Pop with his water gun!

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Beach Pictures!

Last week in Florida we had family pictures made at the beach!! Today our online gallery went live....these are necessarily my favorites, but these are a few of the ones they chose to share with us!!! You can view them all online at! I will have more to come soon:)

Oh...and as you can tell, the wind was horrible that day! She is going to touch up the hair on some of the photos! I'm just glad we made it before hurricane Debbie:)

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Life at the Lake!

Jackson and mommy are staying at the lake for a few days with Pop! Friday the rest of the family will join us! Jackson was so exited to finally be at the cabin! He is his Mommy's child because he loves the lake as much as I do!!!

Pop and Jackson getting the boat ready!!

A view that never gets old!! I love the lake!

Going out for an afternoon boat ride!!

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Airplane Pictures!

Here a couple of shots from the pilots view:) Pa sent me these pictures that he took on his phone from our Florida flight and Gaston's flight!

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Watermelon, Watermelon, and more Watermelon!

It's officially watermelon season!!!! Thanks to Mike, we are enjoying them daily and loving it!!! Jackson had watermelon 3 times today....he is his Mommy's child!!

Giving his daddy the "what for" for not turning the right way!

Checking bean water with daddy!

Watermelon again!!

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

2 years 4 months old!

In his new fishing shirt!!! His daddy told him he looked so cute!!! So he went around all morning before church saying, "Look mommy, I'm really, really cute!" I love this kid to pieces!!!

Cutie pie!!!

So excited about going to the river and Nanaw's!

Beautiful afternoon on Current River!!!!

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Family Reunion and Birthdays!

On our way to the Young family reunion at Gaston's!

He had so much fun on the playground at Gaston's!

Jackson and cousins, Cole and Avery!

Helping Pa put up the plane!

Celebrating Logan and Molly's birthdays with family and shrimp!!!! Happy Early Birthday Logan and Molly!!

Playing puzzles with Grams!

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